petak, 28. prosinca 2012.
ponedjeljak, 17. prosinca 2012.
Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo preporučiti Vam ovu zabavnu igru za sve uzraste!
Može se koristiti i u drugim prigodama, ne samo za Božić, samo je potrebno promijeniti motive za crtanje.
Nalazi se na linku:
It is my great pleasure to recommend you this fun game for every age !
It can be used in other occasions, not just for Christmas, only need to change the motives for drawing.
It is located at the following link:
It can be used in other occasions, not just for Christmas, only need to change the motives for drawing.
It is located at the following link:
Također obratite pažnju i na ovu priču A Christmas Gift Exchange
ponedjeljak, 10. prosinca 2012.
Božićni pokloni za djecu / Christmas Gifts for Children
Znamo da je vrijeme koje posvetimo djeci najveći dar koji im možemo pokloniti.
Ipak, zaslužila su i ručno izrađeni poklon.
Slijedi nekoliko ideja poklona za djecu povodom predstojećih blagdana...
We know that our time which we devote to children is
the greatest gift we can give them.
However, they deserved a hand-made gift.
the greatest gift we can give them.
However, they deserved a hand-made gift.
Below are a few ideas gifts for the children of upcoming holiday season...

ponedjeljak, 3. prosinca 2012.
Još božićnih ukrasa/ More Christmas decorations
Slijedi pregled ukrasa sa web stranica...
Below is an overview of ornaments from the web ...
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