Morsku sol pomiješala sam sa osušenim cvjetićima lavande i ostavila par tjedana da se aromatizira.
Ovakvu mirisnu sol može se koristiti za opuštajuću kupku, začin u kuhinji...
I mixed the salt with dried lavender flowers and left a couple of weeks to be flavored. Such scented salt can be used for a relaxing bath, a spice in the kitchen ...
Ideju za ovu izradu našla sam na slijedećim web stranicama:
I found this idea on the following web sites:

We just dried a whole bunch of lavender. I'll have to try a batch of this. Thanks!
OdgovoriIzbrišiwhat a great idea!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh, what a great idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!